Friday, June 16, 2006

Rather be fishing

I am beat! This week whooped my ACE! My company has been putting in alot of time at a job in Dayton, OH which is down to the last weeks of us being able to get in and do anything. The hardest part is that my boss which is 2nd in command of the company with all of this mayhem at work, is becoming a major Richard. I'm so glad for the weekends.
My batchelor party is tomorrow. I need a reprieve. I have also been working alot at the house recently trying to get the 1st floor renovations completed and next week we are getting central air, so the hectic life at work has crept home with me a bit.
When does it all stop?
Pictured above is me off the coast of Sannibel while we were Vaca-ing w/ the Rabbit and her hubby and friend.

1 comment:

SRR said...

Nice...can't wait to go back there again in August!