Monday, August 14, 2006


Bubba:"Forest, have you ever been on a shrimpin' boat?"
Forest:" (pauses and thinks) No, but I've been on a really big boat."

Ladies and Gents, tonight begins my new start on a healthy lifestyle. I have come home for a light dinner and I am heading out to the gym here in a few letting my meal settle in.
Hey Q, no carbs tonight either. It was hard though, I am the King of bread usage. I am going to hit the weights first when I've got all of my initial energy and by the time I'm done with that, my heartrate should be in it's fat burning mode. My goal ideal body is Rick Rossovich in his role in Top Gun (Sorry, I just watched it over the weekend for the 'Ump-hundredth' time). I've never really had a body type to shoot for because 95% of Hollywood males are 5'2" and 150 lbs. So it would be hard for me to look like a Tom Cruise, it probably would look a little funny too. I just want to be healthier.
I know it's a tough road to hoe, but I guess you have to start somewhere and it ain't gonna get done on it's own.



I highly recommend spinning. Its great cardio. I also think you should try colon cleansing.

Stephanie said...

Yes, it most certainly WILL get done on its own. Don't you know ANYTHING about exercising and weight loss? Sheesh.

The Absent Minded Landlord said...

I don't know, prettyteeth, I never lost weight from spinning. I just get really dizzy.

cmeddie said...

Carbs are the way forward