Monday, January 29, 2007

One of "Those" people

Lloyd Christmas: (swinging his arms back and forth wildly in the dog van) Harry, it makes you feel like you're running at an incredible rate!!

We went to see a movie the other night, 'Pursuit of Happiness', (Fantastic movie...If you've ever been down on your luck, to any extreme, see this will make you feel grateful for what you have.) Before we left we were in a hurry, I wasn't quite sure what I had grabbed as I left out the door. I had my keys, because I drove, and my wallet, that's all I knew. We finally made it to the movie, just in time. I waited in line behind Shaniqua and Lafawnda, with their 8 children combined, and as they odered all of the stuff they "wanted", as the clerk put everything up on the counter, that's when they proceeded to ask how much each item was(ie. Icee's, giant popcorn's, large coke's, etc.). Nothing that could be just put back onto the rack, right. So I tell the wife, just go in, I'll be in by the end of the movie. I'm assuming the manager saw what was going on and saw me waiting in distress behind 'Dumb and Dumber' so she said she could help me out. 2 large drinks and a Med. popcorn, EASY. I made it in by the end of the previews. We progress through about 1 hour of the film when I heard the loud, unmistakeable sound of my cell phone go off in the middle of a silent scene. Yes folks, Dan made a mistake, I had grabbed my phone in the mad dash out the door. I know, I couldn't believe it either. Not on my watch though. The reflexes were astonishing to me. Faster than a hummingbirds wings, I reached down to silence it and turned it off before the message alarm sounded as well. I felt awful, I was one of "them".
I know I haven't posted for a while, I'm pulling double duty in MySpace land now. The sites are actually a little more fun, you can look up all kinds of people and I've found 2 folks I graduated with. My site's all decorated and shit. It is so choice, if you have the means.



My space is fun. Hillary rules.

Stephanie said...

AAAHH!! I'm on myspace too! The next time you're over, show me where you are and we can be MyFriends!

cmeddie said...

I want to be MYfriends with everyone too!!! Double duty is no good.

cmeddie said...

OH, yea, and you've been tagged! sorry.