Blazing Saddles
Town lookout: The Sheriff is a nig(loud noises in the background!!!!!!!)
Town folk: He said the Sheriff is Near!!!!!!!
The other evening at diner with the AML and RR, the conversation turned at one point to the viewing of Brokeback Mountain. My wife had watched it a few evenings before, and expressed that it wasn't a film 'Dan-o could watch'. Well, as I was pounding out the work today, and listening to my headset, I gazed into my persona a bit and wondered if I am really that closed minded and/or if I am really 'not comfortable in my sexuality' as was put by the AML. Now don't get me wrong, I am not upset in any way by any of these comments,...which actually I think puts me ahead in the Acceptance of Homosexuals Points Race (AHPR) already.
I delved into thinking about why, right off the bat, that I didn't want to see it. Well, A #1 that came to mind was that I am not a homosexual (which means I like sex w/ women-my wife especially) and I have no interest in a homosexual cowboy love story. First of all there is no such thing as a gay homosexual cowboy love story. Nice Try. Westerns are dirty (well, come to think of it, so is butt sex), cowboys are supposed to ride on horses, not other guys hung like horses. I realize that times are diffent from when I grew up where Clint Eastwood was a badass, now little Ricky is growing up in a world where Heath thinks Jake
has a badass.
Sorry I just lost points to the AHPR. In all seriousness, though, I don't feel like I should have to explain why I don't want to see that movie, I just don't have any ambition to see it because it has qualities I'm just not interested in. It's also not that I'm homophobic, it's kind of hard to be that way with a gay uncle in the family. It's something I've grown up around. I'm used to it and accept it as a lifestyle. I also have a favorite movie that actually has very gay characters in it. It is an American movie that comes from a French play, The Birdcage. It's a great movie!!! It is a comedy, not a drama, and is very well done. <------SEE, I'm cultured too!!!!
I guess I just find fault with films that are made to prove a point, or that are made just to say "we can do this now, look what we're doing over here!!!!". And just because people like myself don't
want to go see them, those people that do see it can say "Oh, he/she's not comfortable with that". You know what? I wouldn't read the book either. There are alot of things I just don't want to see or do, some have reasons, some don't. It's like when the RR wanted to go to a gay bar. Why would I want to go, I'm not gay? No interest for me there. However, I went because it's friends I went with, and we had a good time. Flat out, if it doesn't spawn interest immediately, it's out of my head like a fart in the wind, I don't waste my time with it. The wife can tell you when I'm sitting there and a preview for a movie or a comercial for some new product comes on, if my interest is peaked, you know it.
All I'm saying is to the movie people, "Look, don't push your agenda on me. And just because I don't accept your agenda, that doesn't make
me wrong." We all understand there are gay people out there, we all know this, I accept them, and I accept their lifestyle because it's THEIR life desicion not mine, so it doesn't bother me one bit. Just don't shove it in my face or make me feel bad because I don't want to see it. We can make some of the people happy some of the time, but we can't make all of the people happy all of the time. STOP TRYING!!!!!!
ON ANOTHER TANGENT: While I'm rolling, Political correctness is all it is, and that is what's going to get everyone of us killed one of these days. Perfect example: All of the terrorists on 9/11 through today were of middle eastern decent and muslim-----> BUT!!!!! Not all middle esatern muslims are terrorists. SO when we began checking people at the airports that were of middle eastern decent and THEY started complaining......OHHH NO, we can't do this anymore, we have to start letting some of THEM go and let's isolate the 85 year old man over there that can't get out of his wheelchair to make things fair. And the next thing you know that guy we let through was the next one with a micro-nuke. Well, when a white male that has a scruffy beard and is wearing an AC/DC t-shirt robs a bank, who do we look for????? We look for the first white female in a work suit driving a Beemer...right!!!! Well, not so much, but you get the point.
Last week a bunch of muslim males were in the middle of an airport terminal praying to Allah. They were pissed when airport security stopped them and questioned them. Freedom of religion??? Absolutely, JUST NOT IN AN AIRPORT TERMINAL ASSHOLES!!!<-----The next Amendment to the US Constitution!!!!!!! Tiners, get on it!!!!! Everone reading this would have crapped themselves had they seen this in person, and don't lie. Muslims, save it for when you get home, that was in bad taste and you
all know it. Finished, I think. I have to go to bed now, that was tiring. I still love you AML.....
silly .