Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy holidays to all

All I have to say is Merry Christmas. Don't ask where I got this, but we all could hardly stand up when it was on. It's about a 10 on the "Wrong Scale". Be sure there are no little ones around. I am ALL ABOUT THE HOLIDAYS though folks. Enjoy your families and give thanks to all we have. ESPECIALLY OUR COLLECTIVE SENSES OF HUMOR. Merry Christmas guys. Hope to see you all soon, me and my small teeth.
Who can't resist a drunken Dan-o.



Awww, Merry Christmas to you and your little teeth!!!

Dan-O said...

Merry Xmas Teef.

cmeddie said...

Real men wear pink...

Cheers to you and yours Danny-boy.

Stephanie said...

I like your cute little matching salmon-colored shirt and tie!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD! PINK! *comes back after had looked at picture again* ...that's not pink. Good. I'm relaxed. I'm fine.

Merry Christmas! I mean, Happy Holidays... Christmas sorta was already.

Dan-O said...

Yes, it is more of a salmon color. But HEY, BRING ON THE PINK!!!

The Absent Minded Landlord said...

First the pink shirts, then watching Brokeback, where does it end?

BTW, that video was hilareously messed up.

Dan-O said...

AML: Life is like a box of never know what your gonna get.