Saturday, December 16, 2006


That's right kids, a couple of weeks ago I was out with the wifes cousins and our friends paintballing on the WEST SIDE!!! It was a great day, beautiful weather, birds still chirping, and the sound of sceams by grown up men being hit by pain of paint balls hitting them on various body parts. My day was going pretty well, the first game I didn't get knocked out until the very end, but I did get hit by one right in the fleshy part between the poiunter and middle finger while my hand was on the gun. I was so close to crying , but I didn't. Why you ask Tiners? BECAUSE I'M A MAN!!!! That's right.
As the day went on, I had several wonderful kill shots on other guys. We made it all the way until about 3:00 when people started to leave. We were down to 8 guys. 4 on 4! Let's go, one more round!!! We started out on our normal 1 minute walk away from each other and started. I made my way up to a position on my stomache behind a tree up about 50' from the prized empty beer bottle that if it were grabbed, the game would be over. I was laying down a suppressing fire, when from my left, a spattering barrage of paintballs were hitting the other side of my tree, but not hitting me. I was getting up the nerve after a couple of minutes to get up and make a run for the beer bottle when 2 shots rang out from behind me, both hitting me almost simultaneoulsly in the same spot on the back of my knee. I dropped my gun, "God Damnit, You Mother Fucker" "I'M OUT!!!!!" I said it so eloquently. The Mo Fo who shot me made it all the way around my flank and came up behind us all and got me from behind. Kinky huh???
I did not notice how bad it was until I got home that night and was putting on my PJ pants. The wife says "Your leg looks nasty!" Being the baddass I am I said "Chicks dig scars". I looked down and the bruise had grown 10 fold. Both paintballs had hit in the same spot a split second after each other. Here's my battle scar folks. This was an enormous bruise, the pic doesn't serve it justice. Remember, I have big legs. Notice the center mark of impact. It was so bruised in the center it was yellow. AWESOME!!!! This is as naked as you'll see me by the way, you can thank me later:

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!! Turn up the Speakers!!!!!!



Thats disgusting. I had a similar one on my ass after I fell off a barstool at my friends rehearsal dinner. Those hurt!! Luckily for me, mine didnt hurt til the day after cuz I was drunk.

Dan-O said...


cmeddie said...

Blue christmas... I get it! Buh-dump, bump.

And was that really a shout out to ME mid-blog? I feel special! And, Dan-o, if you want to be happy in 2007, and that includes crying.. I say do it! Eff everyone else and their "big boys don't cry" crap. I say big boys do what they feel!

I've never played before, but wanted to. My brother loved it! I like bruises, so I am in!

The Absent Minded Landlord said...

Ahhh, iheart has a message here. Drunken paintball equals painless paintball (at least initially).

Anonymous said...

I went paintballing once. 37 bruises.

My team won though because of my sacrifices! You need a kamikaze guy to run at the position to draw the fire :-)

Dan-O said...

painless paintball does not exist. What's the point if it doesn't hurt right. It's almost like we want the effect of being in combat, but not too much of the effect.