Biloxi Blues
Jerome: (after getting off the train) It's really hot....does anyone else realize how hot it is?.......It's really hot......The hottness is getting hotter......It's hotter than hot, this is Africa hot.
After a wonderful dinner last evening with the Wife, AML, and the Rabbit, Dan-o is left with a meaningless Sunday to decide what he's going to do with. The Bengals already played Thursday in victorious fashion and don't play the lowly Raiders until next Sunday. What is a hometown fan to do? I turn around from the monitor and the animal (aka. Palmer is laying in "his chair" and as pitiful as he can below his barely open eyelids looks at me with the same feeling. "Daddy, what are we going to do today now that you're not going to be yelling at the TV today?" I really don't know.... Maybe do a little window shopping for the Old Lady's Xmas gift. I know what I'm getting her, but need some options. However the animal can't go to the mall with me....I feel bad leaving him at home all weekend. Maybe I can pretend I'm blind.....This won't pas for reality when I step out of my Monster truck's driver seat and fight with him to get his leash on. Let alone I've never known a seeing eye dog to smell everyone's crotch that they come in contact with which the P-dog is known for. Maybe we'll go to Grandma's house so the dog can run, this sounds like a possibility. Or I can get up the ambition finally and continue on the air return project for the upstairs.
Here's my dilemma with this, I build and create things every day at work with my hands and tools in order to make things work. When I get home in the evening, the last thing I want to do, is work some more. However this is my house right? Suck it up right? But the couch looks so comfy from across the room when I take off my boots in the afternoon. Any suggestions on how to avoid the 'rooting of the ass' on the couch in the evenings.
AML, we need to catch the guy who writes #'s in red on our shirts. Also I'm sorry your pic is right under the name of this post, I really didn't mean for it to turn out like that.
Is this post what's known as, "stream of consciousness"?
Oh, I know what you can get Mrs. Dan-O for Christmas - a nickname more romantic than, "The Old Lady"!
Dr: I need some feedback on that. I'd like to keep her annonimity as high as possible.
Dont fight the power of the couch. Its bad karma. And dont pretend to be blind. I did that once, it wasnt a good idea. And crotch sniffing dogs make for awkward conversation with strangers at the mall. Or, so Ive heard.
P.S. RR and AML sure have upped the dress code for their dinner parties, eh? A shirt and tie? Fancy Schmancy, arent we?
It's only the best when you dine with me, iheart. Although I don't think those pictures were from the same night.
I'm horrible at buying christmas presents. That's why I usuallty don't... and well, because I don't have money. Or a heart lol. Kidding.
Or am I?
No it wasn't from the same night, it's just the only pic we have of the both of them on the computer in non-South Park form.
Wait a minute...what do our pictures have to do with your post? You just wanted to see our faces? Oh I see! Carry on baby!
yea, was "my woman" taken? How about "Mi amore" or "the love of my life"... think romance. I know it's hard for you boys.
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