Monday, February 05, 2007

Global warming???

Nice that I'm posting this when it's only 'Ah' degree outside, huh. But there's something I've looked into that is quite interesting. Global Warming a farse??? Over the past DECADE, there have been extremely harsh and cold weather in the North Atlantic. There have been unnusually large ice flows around Iceland and Greenland and up and into the Arctic Ocean where "experts" say the ice is melting. Now I know it's pretty F'ing cold right now here, but over the past few weeks it has been in the 30's and 40's, right?? Fairly mild. Now it stands to reason that when it's 30 to 40 degrees here, it's EASILY going to be @40 to 50 degrees colder, AT THE VERY LEAST in the Arctic Circle, I'd even venture to say upwards of 60 degrees colder, OR MORE. Guess what water freezes, AND STAYS FROZEN, until it reaches 32 degrees F. We all learned this in gradeschool.... we're not stupid, are we. It's actually quite simple.

There are, however, area's where there are Glaciers MELTING and guess what they are finding under these glaciers??? Hmmm???? ANCIENT Norse civilizations. Yes, the Earth was warmer at one point than it is now and people lived in these now frozen areas and planted crops. Way warmer. No, George Bush didn't lift up the glacier with a thermonuclear-anti-particle ray beam and plant these civilizations under the glaciers to prove a point of the already proven constant shifting in climates ( I know there are crazies out there who may think that is the case). Hell, England even used to have vast lands of grape vineyards for wine, BUT it became way too cold over the years to do so.

It always seems that the media wants to make the world a small little place in our TV sets at home when we're making dinner or what not. Negative news is BIG news, and if some Yahoo says the sky is falling, guess where all of the reporters go??? Outside with their camera's pointed up in the air. In all actuality, folks, the Earth's a pretty fucking big place. Go up in a plane, WAY UP THERE and look down, you're only looking at a small portion of Kentucky or Tennessee, there's a lot more left out there. We are but puppets my friends in this game we call life.
The other day an ecological scientist on a local or nationwide ( I can't remember) news interview, was quoted as saying that "Yes, humans are actually contributing to global warming, however there is no real concerted effort that we can do to make things any better". So I guess what the guy is saying is, 'ladies and gents, we tried, everyone go home, give up, buy every last SUV that gets 12 or less MPG, and drive at excessive speeds to reduce the mileage even further while using hairspray w/cfc's with the windows down.'

I officially give up, I suppose we're damned if we dop and damned if we don't. I'm moving to Mars w/ Marvin.

Class is over.


cmeddie said...

Dan, I seriously am leaving feeling more edumacated than i came.

Nice work sir.


Dan and W sittin in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g. Dude, crawl out of his ass....seriously!!!

P.S. I am vety diappointed in your oprah comment. Shame on you.

Dan-O said...

Cmeddie: Thank you. An apple on the desk is always appreciated.

Teef: Bush and I aren't butt friends, my point was that there are things he's not at fault for, even though fingers all tend to eventually go to him.

Who am I Really? said...

Hey i liked your oprah comment. I blame the libra aspect of our life. got to balence in our life and make it even so we can live with the world.

rock on.