Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Gimme my money, Nig*a!!!

Yes ladies and gents, that's right. I said it. No actually it was said by a 2 year old black boy, to his mother mind you, while I was in the doctors waiting room waiting to get my hernia surgery checked out. The mother was a young black woman and she had given the child a dollar to get something later after the doctors visit for whatever it was she was getting checked out. When the boy began acting up, she put in force the Parental Indian Giver clause, that's right 'The P.I.G. clause' (which is legal in all 50 states for parents to take back what they have given their child under any circumstances).
Well the child immediately had none of this action so he said....and I am quoting a 2 year olds dirty little mouth "Gimme my money back!!!!! gimme my money back!!!!! gimme my money back nig*a!!!!!" I have never seen a child go horizontally out of a room as fast as that one did. Upon reentering the room 3 minutes later, the child went to a chair across the room from the mother and sat silently the entire rest of the wait. The whole thing was a blur for me, I can't immagine what it was like from that childs vantage point. What's the world coming to when a 2 year old child is calling his mother a 'nig*a'?


The Absent Minded Landlord said...

Oh cracka please, I been referring to my momma like that fo' years. I'd get home from school and I'd be all like, "Cracka, get me sumpin ta eat!" And she be all like, "You betta watch yo little cracka mouth!"


Reason #456996718 why i hate people....children people in particular. Awww....soon enough, I am sooo building myself my little cabin in the woods of montana...soon enough

SRR said...

The problem: She gave her son $ for doing what's expected of him! WTF?!?!

cmeddie said...

Um, the problem is someone apparently said the word around him enought imes that he even knew how to use it in a sentance... Ughh!