Saturday, September 09, 2006

Back To Normal

My rant is complete and even though I'm still fed up with our wellfare system, if you want to call it that(it's more like crap-fare), I hada wonderful time last night with my wife and friends and family at the Cincinnati Reds game. They won a game finally and I got a free beer, FROM THE CONCESSION STAND, not bought by someone else, it was just free. Their register was screwed up and I waited forever so the guy was just like"go ahead and take it". And I did, and it was good. I didn't look back, I did not ask "are you sure?", I just took it and walked away quietly, like a man who had just experienced a very uncomfortable moment with another man would. The game itself was entertaining, the after concert by Paul Otten Band was pretty cool(great live music), and the visit at Q and the AML's house afterwards was enchanting(good beer, good food, and dizzy-ing conversation). It was like BW3's without the wings and 50 televisions. Anyway, the wife had a good time which is what it was all about.
People watching is great. By the 6th inning, a grown woman easily in her 40's, dressed like she was a 15 year old, was drunk as a skunk, screaming and yelling for Ryan Freel. He glanced over once and simply raised his hand in her direction. This made her evening, but made the screaming and yelling even worse, because naturally now, this meant Freel was interested. Let's leave the fact that her husband/boyfriend was right next to her. Simply amazing is the 40 year old female alcoholic psyche. "Hey bitch, have another one will ya!!"


Dan-O said...

Ok, I'm going to be the first to respond to my blog. Give more props AML, yeah, the quick link, what, OH YEAH. I'm a PC phenom now baby!!!


In about 12 years, I hope to be THAT girl. 40 years old, and still having a good time?? Rock on lady, Rock on!!!

cmeddie said...

No taking my phenom status! Shit.

So I saw your wife and Q, but not you guys... We were probably a section away from you all in between the two homeruns.

Good times. Too bad they cant win more than one game in a row.


SRR said...

Awwww! Dan-O thanks for putting ME First! Ya know I love it!!! And good times were had by all, baby!

The Absent Minded Landlord said...

I noticed, mad props my friend. Those baby steps are starting to turn into toddler steps now.