Monday, September 18, 2006


Burgundy: "Have any one of you experienced true love"
Brick: "I love carpet"
Burgundy: "Seriously guys (disregarding Brick's statement)"
Brick: "I love lamp"
Burgundy: "Brick, are you just looking at things and saying that you love them"
Brick: "I LOVE LAMP!!!"

I can't say that I've had a better monday in a while. Even though I was actually on a job site, I think it was as productive a day as Friday. We had our racks delivered to a job site today to begin tie in to the house wires we pulled. Only we weren't sure on the exact placement of the racks so it was lunch before we figured out a good spot. We ate lunch and I sent out the fella I was with to pick up the stuff needed to cut holes in the steel cans and the flex conduit to run it through. Only halfway through his journey he gets pulled off to another job right down the street without me knowing and doesn't get out of there until 4:30(cleanup time). I was a beautiful rainy Monday. Perfection.



Mondays suck

The Absent Minded Landlord said...

Soooo, hard at work, or hardly...well you know.

cmeddie said...

what the hell did that say? lots of technical jargon, and all I took away was..."We had our racks delivered," and to me, it sounded dirty!

Spacecake said...

I love rain on anyday!!!