Saturday, January 13, 2007

On a lighter side....

A while back, AML did something called a 'meme'. I have time and I am exhaustes on my world affairs rant from yesterday. So here's my very own, and my very 1st MEME!!!!!:

Do you snore?: Aparently like a chainsaw.

Lover or Fighter?: Depends on the situation. Loving is so much more fun though.

What is your worst fear?: Not being able to be as good a parent to our kids/kid as my parents were. (No we're not pregnant yet). Is there a secret to being the ultimate parent??? Midgets scare me a bit too.

Were you a Lego maniac?: Absolutely!! I had many-a-lego sets and they came in handy too for forts for the GI Joe battles that commenced in the basement.

What do you think of reality TV?: I like certain ones. Mainly the ones where there is actual self improvement or a challenge involved(ie. Biggest Loser, Amazing Race, etc.)

Do you chew on straws?: No, that puts holes in it and it takes an increased sucking power to get the drink up to your lips.....way too much work involved.

Were you a cute baby?: Yes.....all 11 lbs. of Danno.

Is the single life for you?: It used to be. I had a thing when I was younger where it seemed that I wasn'ty single for more than a month at a time. I wasn't a giggilo, but I just enjoyed the company of women. I had a come to Jesus after a while and decided to take a break, and was single for over a year and found myself. When I wasn't trying was when I met my future Mrs. Danno.

What color is your keyboard?: Black...Why does it always have to be a racial thing?

Do you sing in the shower?: At times, when I know I'm alone in the house. The dog likes to lay on the floor though in the bathroom when I take a shower and when I do he peeks his head through the curtain to see what's wrong.

Have you ever bungee jumped?: No sir. Don't want to. The funny thing is that I'd jump out of a perfectly good airplane in a heartbeat.

Any secret talents?: Oh no, all of my talents are out in the open. I've been secretly working to perfect a few though. TOP SECRET.

What is your ideal vacation spot?: On a mountain in Montana or Washington somewhere for a month just to defrag my mind. Hunting, fishing, relaxing, watching satellite TV.

Can you swim?: I can swim like a Dolphin. I can even come up out of the water and move across the pool like they do without getting my trunks wet. (Thank you Mr. Reagan for that bit.)

Have you ever seen Donnie Darko?: Nope, I have no comments on why or why not. Just haven't seen it.

Do you give a damn about the Ozone:? Yes, but I think alot of the hype is just that, hype. The Ozone that gets depleated is replenished by lightning. Bet you didn't know that lightning creates Ozone. I care more about the Bzone and the Me-zone though.

How many licks to the center of a tootsie pop?: I'm not that gentle with the tootsie pop. I gnaw on them.

Can you sing the alphabet backwards?: Am I taking a sobriety test?

Electric or manual pencil sharpeners?: Electric!!! I always would scrape my knuckles on the wall with the manual ones.

Whats your stand on hunting?: I believe that if you need it to survive, it's ok. But if you can go down to Kroger and get some hamburger, what's the point? Fishing is different for me though even though it is a form of hunting, it's more of a relaxation thing for me. I have just a good time not catching anything as I would if I catch three 4lb smallmouth bass. Hunters just get pissed if they can't bag anything. And what's relaxing about sitting there quietly for hours then break the silence with an earshattering shotgun blast?

Is marriage in your future?: Every day.

Do you like your handwriting?: It's the best. I'm especially fond of my signature. I practice my baseball signature every time I sign a reciept. You know, for when I make the big leagues.

What are you allergic to?: Pennicillin. Bad Joo Joo.

When was the last time you said I love you?: This morning when the wife left for work, and when I saw myself in the mirror.

Do you cry at weddings?: Only when the kneeler falls on my toe.

How do you like your eggs?: Scrambled w/ pepper and tobasco sauce.

Are blondes dumb?: That's an insult to my race as a blonde.

Where does the other sock end up?: It gets sacrificed in the dryer and gets sent up to the laundry gods.

What time is it?: 12:40 PM.

Do you have a nickname?: Where do I begin......Cliff Clavin( I know a little bit about just about everything), Lurch, D-D-A A A A(it's a family thing, you wouldn't understand), Dan the little guy(my brother always sounded like he hada cold when he was younger, so to differentiate between Dan and Dad, that's what he'd say), and the wife calls me Mr. idea why.

Is McDonalds disgusting?: I saw Supersize me and it turned me off to fast food altogether for a while. But a Big Mac always will have a special place in my heart.

When was the last time you were in a car?: My truck, last night coming home from work.

Baths or Showers?: Don't call me gay, but on the very rare occasion I do enjoy a hot bath. But then always shower to wash the filth I've been soaking in off my body.

Is Santa real?: Yes, yes he is.

Do you like your neck kissed?: That's my sweet spot.

Are you afraid of the dark?: Only when I hear the monkey in the closet.

What are you addicted to?: Again, don't call me gay, but I'm slightly addicted to the Starbucks Caramel Machiatto.

Do you like crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: Crunchy. It breaks up the pastiness you get from the smooth.

Can you crack your neck?: Once a day, anything after that I'm risking paralysis.

Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?: When I worked at Natorp's nursery, the Christmas trees came in and when we were unloading them, one came down and hit me square in the back 3 inches to the left of my spine breaking my ribs. I cried then, but then I made myself stop for 2 reasons: #1. I couldn't breathe and #2. All of the workers huddled around me to keep me warm while I lay on the cold ground, as well as the two hotties in the greenhouse. I had to play it cool.

Is drug free the way to be?: That's the word. We as a society over medicate to an extreme amount.

Are you a heavy sleeper?: I can be. Loud noises don't wake me, but the little inconspicuous noises do.

What color are your eyes?: Ice blue

Do you like your life?: Not much I can do about it, it's the only one I've got. It's good though.

Are you a psychic?: No but I do have those de javu episodes on a regular basis.

Have you read Catcher in the Rye?: It's a good one. I'm going to have to read all of the books again that I did in highschool again just to read them without being quized on them....too much pressure.

Do you play any instruments?: I've been known to pound on a few different types of drums in the past.

Have you ever stolen any money?: I'll take a dollar out of the wifes purse to get a White Castle on the way to work in the morning sometimes.....Ooooops, the cat's out of the bag.

Can you snowboard?: Nope, I'll let my friends that do ski blow their knees out for me.

Do you like camping?: I am a mountain man if I do say so myself. I pride myself on starting a campfire in the rain w/o gasoline.

Do you snort when you laugh?:P No but the wife does sometimes when she gets going.

Do you believe in magic?: David Blaine, that's all I have to say.

Are dog's a man's best friend?: Unequivically yes.

Do you believe in divorce?: I know it's there but it's hard for me to say that I'd give up on something if there were problems. It's all in the vows. Unless there's abuse. So when she begins beating the shit out me, I'm out of here.

Can you moonwalk?: On a regular basis???

Do you make alot of mistakes?: I try not to but I leave perfection up to the Rabbit.

Is it cold outside today?: Rainy and wet......chilly.

What was the last thing you ate?: Sugar free jello w/ fruit in it w/ whipped cream on top....just like in the commercials.

Do you wear nail polish?: can't say that I do.

How many people do you like right now?: 'Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer'-The Godfather. I like keeping it on the downlow, not too many people.

What are the most annoying TV commercials?: 2 words "Trim-spa Baby".

Do you like to shop at American Eagle?: I'm a big fan of their flannel shirts.

Favorite Song right now?: "I'm bringin' Sexy Back" no seriously, I am.

Yeah AML, that does take a while. Danno, OUT!!!!



You are 12 steps away from being a full-fledged blog-a-holic!!!!

cmeddie said...

Who writes this: "I wasn't a giggalo... but I enjoyed the company of women."


I shall now stake claim on a similar line for myself in the recent days... ;)

Spacecake said...

Where do you people get these meme's? :/ I'm bored, I'm so stealing taking this one right now ^__^

Dan-O said...

Yeah Tiners, that is kind of classic, isn't it?

The Absent Minded Landlord said...

Nicely done, but they do eat up the time more than you would think.

Me Myself and I said...

Yes, loving certainly is more fun. Especially when you're doing it because you're making up for the fighting!

SRR said...