1). My ideal place on this planet, not shared by the Mrs., is a mountain top cabin. It doesn't have to just be in the spring or summer, due to the fact that I have an insatiable appetite for the coldest days that come to this godforsaken midwest town of ours. I would hunt, although I never have, I would fish, and I would learn to knit blankets and live off of the land. Then go back to the cabin for some more HDTV viewing. All of this done while the rest of society flocks to the beaches of America while peeing in the ocean.
2). I REALLY like my job. Not many people can say this. But I've said in the past that mine is a special situation where I hold down responsibilities at 2-3 large projects at a time, and any day could take me to a different one than the previous day. An office slug I am not. I get my hands dirty every day, and I love it!!!
3). This somewhat plays off of #2. I really enjoy taking my showers at night. Right before bed. I find that I'm more relaxed after a shower and I get better rest. My wife says that I'm impossible to sleep with because I keep her up with my snoring and rustling of the sheets....but what do I care, I'm sleeping right!!!!
4). This plays off of #3. I do magic tricks in my sleep......get your minds out of the gutter. I can, without any preparation whatsoever, remove the bedsheet and the fitted sheet from underneath myself, while I sleep, without getting up out of bed, and completely bury it on the other side of the bed under my wife. It's almost like if my sleeping partner weren't in bed next to me, and a magician did the old 'pulling the table cloth out from underneath the china' trick. Only I'm the china and the sheets are the table cloth.
5). This one plays off of #1 a bit. My favorite place that I've ever vacationed is Reno, NV. Not because of Reno, but because of what lies about 45 minutes to the west in California. As I drove up away from the highway in the Rockies, the road began to wind and twist up and around this mountain and all you could see were trees all around you. And as you make your way to the summit of the mountain and make the bend around the top and look down, the most blue and clear body of water lay below me. It was as close to a religious experience as I've ever gotten(next to seeing dolphins w/in 3-4 feet of us on a boat trip in Sannibel). Lake Tahoe, my friends, is absolutely breathtaking. Take away the Northern Californians, who I am convinced come from another world entirely, and it is heaven on Earth. On a sailboat ride across the lake, we were out pretty far, I looked at the depth finder and it read 70 feet deep. I looked over the side and you could still see the bottom.
6). If I could call back one thing in life that I did or didn't do what would it be?: The only thing I've ever really have said irked me as I grew up into my 20's,
was that I wished that in high school that I had played football all 4 years. I had a talent that grew from the 4th grade, I had rhythm. I would drum on everything that I could get my hands on, and finally it drove my mom to hysteria 'JOIN A BAND!!!' And so I did. I played drums for my gradeschool band all the way through my 8th grade year, while during that year, I got my first taste of football as a starting tackle at St. Barts. For a gradeschooler, I was a big boy, me and 2 others I can think of struggled to keep our weight for the week under the 160 lb. limit. The more I played, the more I loved it. After the year was over, we had an awards ceremony, and as they handed out trophies to the individual 8th graders, the Roger Bacon highschool coach was there with our coach handing out trophies. Our coach introduced me and said "Mr. H.(we'll call him-AML, you know who this would have been at the time...rhymes with hankey) is really licking his chops for this guy." My older brother and this coach never got along, and I was afraid that the brotherly bond would carry down to me and I'd be the 'coaches ass' later on in highschool. That following summer I made an attempt at freshman football and I could already see the drippings of attitude falling onto me by word of mouth to the freshman coach. I turned to my other love, music. I made the most of it, and made it to the Quads very rapidly. I had a blast through halfway my Junior year and quit the band. I knew if I was ever going to play football again, it was my senior year and that was it. The instant I stepped onto just the practice field with pads on, I knew right then it would have meant so much more if I'd just gutted it out and did the old Bobby Boucher trick and put the 'evil coaches' head on the opponents shoulders. But on the same coin, I'll never regret NEVER playing. It was something I wanted, and I ultimately did it. ' I could have gone Pro..I bet you I can throw this football over that mountain.'
Sorry that got really deep there at the end.